TalentBench works for clients, not candidates.

Our Client-Centric Focus Ensures Your Priorities Are Ours

The right hiring process is a finely tuned process, derived from decades of knowledge and experience.


Have you ever wondered, “Why am I interviewing this candidate?”
We work with our clients to determine what the must-have/non-negotiable skills, experiences, attributes, and talents are for the role that you are looking to fill. By the time the candidate gets to you, we will have done all the heavy lifting leaving you with; “Is this person a cultural fit?”


“Time kills all deals.”— Well, isn’t that the truth? We schedule weekly calls with our clients (unless you want to speak with us more often) because we don’t want you to lose momentum or great candidates. We provide updates while we move through the interview process. Why should anyone be kept in the dark?


Let’s talk, as often as we can so that we all know what’s happening next. We love talking, texting, emailing, smoke signals, skywriting…whatever way we can speak with you. If the process is going as you thought it would (that’s our plan), or even if it’s not, please reach out! We’re here for you when you need us.


We love your story. We tell your story like it’s our story. That’s why you can count on us to be the Ambassador of YOUR brand. We represent you the way that you would represent you. More often than not, the candidates don’t know and can’t tell the difference. We ask the hard questions and deliver the tough feedback, always in a way that represents YOU.


Trust. Respect. Integrity.

These aren’t just words. These are words by which we live and operate—our guiding principles. Everything we do, everything we say are with these values in mind—the foundation which we perform work and conduct ourselves.

Why TalentBench

Specialized firm experience.

TalentBench is perfect for companies that want an executive-level retained search firm for the mid-to upper-level individual contributor positions.


Expertise you can count on.

We’re not ``just recruiters``. Our success is a product of decades of expertise.